Elizabeth Maynor

Hello! My name is Liz Maynor, I am 29 years old. I am also a very dedicated first-year student enrolled within the nursing program at University College of the Cayman Islands. In most societies, there is a strong push for young adults to know their dream career and to instantly go straight into college. I tried this route; however, around the age of 25 I realized that I needed a change in direction. Through life experiences, traveling, and working as a Scuba Diving Instructor, I have been introduced to some medical incidents and grew a passion to become more knowledgeable in the field of medicine. Two years ago I had started taking online classes towards a nursing degree, which allowed myself to finally enroll in the nursing program at UCCI this past fall (2019), as a part-time student. My plan was to continue to work full-time for the busy season this year while still studying, but due to COVID-19 my plan is no longer attainable. My goal is to find some help financially so...